Wolverhampton Mosque Trust HSBC
Sort code: 40 47 11
A/C No: 6183 6536
The site has been vacant for many years now and due to overgrown vegetation, it has become a magnet to anti-social behaviour, drug abuse and fly tipping. Although unsafe and a risk to the community, the site has been used for parking informally by many masjid attendees as well as football fans on match days.
Our project seeks to clean up the vacant site and create a cleaner, safer, and more secure car parking facility for all members of our wider community. There is a big demand for this amenity space as during busy times the local residential streets become congested with cars parked at random. This becomes an inconvenience to the residents, as cars block driveways and footpaths.
Safeguarding is a big part of the proposal. We will provide a secure and well lit car parking facility. This is essential in providing security for our attendees, especially the women and children who attend evening madrasah during the dark winter months. The new car park will provide an break out space in case of a fire or other emergency.
Surveys and root investigations show that the condition of tree roots on the site are very poor due to the years of informal parking rendering the majority of tree roots to be dead or highly damaged. A landscaping proposal for this new car park will involve the planting of hedges and trees.
The photographs below show the state the site was in before we began cleaning it up.
Square Meter Site
Acres of hard landscape
New Parking Spaces
The site is 6365 square metres of which 5533 square metres will be hard landscaped. This area of 5533 square metres equates to 1.35 acres. An average house in the UK is 77 square metres so this mean that the hard landscaped area for the new car park of 5533 sqm can hold approximately 71 houses.
Total Funds Raised
Total Funds Required
Now that we have full planning approval, Phase 2 of the projects involves that actual construction of the car park. We have calculated costs to estimate £323,090.60 We understand this is a huge figure, however it is accurately based on quotations of all the works involved in the construction of the carpark. We would like to remind you that we will be hard landscaping 5533sqm, hence the reason for high construction costs. For this reason, we desperately require your financial assistance.
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